Strategic Partners


 Brantley Center "Strategic Partners" program: What is it?

The Brantley Center "Strategic Partners" is a prestigious group of organizations who invest in the Appalachian State University Risk Management & Insurance (RMI) majors with a multi-year financial commitment.

Benefits of Brantley Center Strategic Partners:

  • Opportunities to actively prepare and engage with tomorrow’s Leaders through the AppState RMI program
  • Enhanced recognition of company graphic in the Brantley Center and on Brantley Center website
  • Special Inclusive Excellence student engagement opportunities such as the Building Insurance Talent (BIT) program
  • 100+ AppState RMI majors accepted positions at Strategic Partner organizations since 2013

Interested in becoming a Brantley Center "Strategic Partner" organization?

Contact Managing Director, David Marlett at (828) 260-5289.

IIANC Recognized as "Founding Strategic Partner" of the AppState Brantley Risk & Insurance Center

IIANC (Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina) logo

Read the story here.

Read more about the "Founding Strategic Partner" of the AppState Brantley Risk & Insurance Center, the IIANC.

Other Ways To Get Involved

The Brantley Risk & Insurance Center was established in 1988 as a way to connect the academic programs within Appalachian State University to the insurance industry. We are always looking for mutually-beneficial partnerships which connect students and industry professionals.

Thank You

Thank you to the many individuals, agents, corporations, and alumni who financially support the mission of the Brantley Risk & Insurance Center. Since it's inception in 1988, the Brantley Center has not received state funds to operate. We rely entirely on private contributions from passionate people and industry partners who want to make a positive impact upon the life of an RMI student, and to help create the next generation of industry professionals.

There are many ways for you to contribute.  Here are some examples what donations support:

  • Scholarships for top RMI students
  • Student travel to state, regional, national and international conferences and events
  • D & I programing and initiatives
  • Sponsorship of events, research projects, etc.
  • If you can dream it – we can achieve it!  Be creative and let us know how we can make a positive impact to the industry.

Private scholarship support is crucial for many of our RMI students, and we thank you greatly for your gifts. Without these scholarship gifts, many students would not be able to afford a quality Appalachian education.