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In the News: Brantley Center director discusses insurance challenges as wildfires burn

Dr. David Marlett, managing director of Appalachian State University's Brantley Risk and Insurance Center, appeared on News Nation on January 10,...

Hurricane Helene's effects on Western North Carolina highlight needed adjustments to the insurance system as climate shifts

Hurricane Helene's effects on Western North Carolina highlight needed adjustments to the insurance system as climate shifts

Speaking with Dr. David Marlett, a professor in the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance and Managing Director of the Brantley ...

App State launches The Hickory Leadership Forum: ‘Leading with Compassion’ Walker College faculty and alumni to be featured on first panel

The first event, featuring business and corporate leaders, will be held Sept. 16 at the App State Hickory CampusAppalachian State University has annou...

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