In the News: Brantley Center director discusses insurance challenges as wildfires burn

Dr. David Marlett, managing director of Appalachian State University's Brantley Risk and Insurance Center, appeared on News Nation on January 10, 2025, to discuss the impact of natural disasters on the insurance industry.

Responding to an estimate that current wildfires in California will cost insurers $20 billion, Marlett said insurers would likely raise rates and reduce coverage, especially in high-risk areas, and discussed the complexity of insurance coverage. 

He considered public-private partnerships, federal intervention, and knowledgeable agents who can help homeowners select the best coverage as potentially part of the solution.  Marlett said some perils like floods and earthquakes are often not included in standard policies, and the frequency and severity of natural disasters are increasing.

Homeowners are encouraged to review their policies and work with knowledgeable agents to mitigate risks.

Published: Feb 3, 2025 10:03pm
