Retired Insurance Executive- Where are you from? - What is your alma mater? - What do you enjoy most about your job title and/or company? I spent my entire career in the insurance industry and it afforded me many opportunities and interesting experiences. I learned early in my career that insurance is a highly relevant industry and is the "oxygen"of the economy. No company, regardless of its size, can operate without effective risk management and insurance programs. Throughout my career I enjoyed the opportunity to learn about many of our customers' businesses and unique challenges. I also traveled all over the US and globally and gained some interesting insights about various cultures and customs. I also loved the idea that our industry needs to constantly reinvent itself to remain relevant to our customers as they face new risks and exposures.
- What are some things a mentee should know about you? I have been married to my wife Sharon for 39 years and we have 4 adult children and 4 grandchildren. 2 of our children are in the insurance industry. Our son Robert is a risk management and insurance graduate of Appalachian State. We love to travel, play golf, hike and explore new places. I benefited from having a few exceptional, selfless mentors during my career and I have been committed to doing the same for others. Despite having recently retired, I continue to mentor several former colleagues who consider different options in their career. This has been the most rewarding facet of my career.