Appalachian State’s Risk Management Challenge Team is one of three schools nationwide chosen to advance to the final round in the 2021 Spencer-RIMS Risk Management Challenge and present virtually during RIMS LIVE 2021 Conference.
The annual Risk Management Challenge is a 6-month long competition where university teams develop and present a risk management analysis addressing an entity’s major issues. A panel of risk management professionals judge each submission and select the top eight scoring teams to advance to the presentation round.
This year’s case sponsor is RIMS Diversity and Inclusion Council who put forth a case study on “Spencerville”, a fictious American city based on civic and demographic data from American municipalities provided by public sector risk managers. Twenty teams from Universities in the United States and internationally participated. Eight teams advanced to compete at the Conference.
The Appalachian team is comprised of Seniors Katie Cole, Gracie Van Osdol, Jason Garfinkle and Matthew Scott. Drs. Karen Epermanis and Lori Medders serve as Faculty Advisors for the Challenge team. Appalachian State won the competition in 2015 and finished 2nd in 2017.
Join the Brantley Risk & Insurance Center and faculty advisors Dr. Karen Epermanis and Dr. Lorilee Medders in cheering on the team during the final competition scheduled for Wednesday, April 21st at 1:45pm. The event will be live-streamed here: