Appalachian State students secured two of the NCAMIC's three scholarships this year, a scholarship which supports accomplished upperclassmen students pursing a career in the insurance industry.
Hannah Bagley, a current senior double majoring in Risk Management and Insurance and Finance, and Rick Orlicki, a Management and Risk Management double major with minors in Employee Benefits and Human Resources, were able to accept their respective scholarships at the NCAMIC's Annual Conference held at the Grandover Resort in Greensboro November 2nd through 4th. The Brantley Center was proud to sponsor these outstanding students' travel to the Triad where they had the opportunity to sit in on the conference's speakers and discussions and network with area professionals.
The two recipients thank the NCAMIC whole-heartedly for the financial support provided to them as they work to complete their senior years, as well as the opportunity to attend their Annual Conference. When reflecting on the experience, Rick Orlicki said, "It was such an honor to be a scholarship recipient and be given the incredible financial opportunity to focus more on my studies. At the NCAMIC conference, it was an exciting endeavor to network with professionals who are just as passionate about insurance as me!"
About the Brantley Risk & Insurance Center
App State maintains the sixth largest insurance program nationally, and has been ranked second in the nation by AM Best, the world’s largest credit rating agency specializing in the insurance industry.
The Brantley Center enhances the academic experience by providing space and staff to assist students interested in the RMI program with networking, job placement and faculty engagement. It provides students opportunities for scholarship, international and domestic travel, and professional designation and licensing programs. The center brings industry leaders to classrooms, fosters research and faculty development, assists the insurance industry with continuing education programs and helps educate the public about the insurance industry.
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