Summer Schloss, rising senior risk management and insurance (RMI) major and center for the Appalachian State Women’s Basketball team, has been awarded the 2022 Markel Specialty Diversity scholarship.
Originally from Gastonia, North Carolina, Summer transferred to Appalachian State from the University of Alabama at Birmingham to be closer to home and to be a part of the tightly-knit family environment at Appalachian. This aspect also drew Summer to the RMI program which she learned about during her summer orientation. Dr. David Marlett, Brantley Center Managing Director, spoke about the risk management and insurance career path during a special summer session for student-athletes, leaving a strong impression on Schloss. “I remember it being so interesting to me,” said Schloss. “Prior to this I had not known this program had even existed but after hearing him speak, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Later that day, I emailed Dr.Marlett to hear more about the program, and, from that point on, I was invested in the program.” Schloss joined the GIS group and said her favorite professional development event so far was the alcohol etiquette class because it helped her learn how to feel more comfortable in business networking settings where alcohol is served and even order wine for the table at a business dinner.
Schloss is excited about her decision to become an RMI major because it combines critical business thinking with helping others, and allows her to utilize her competitive spirit to be successful. She is spending the summer before her senior year in Boone where she is working in the Appalachian State Risk Management Office as the AppRIMI (Appalachian State Risk & Insurance Management Internship) intern which allows her the flexibility to also complete her summer team workouts with the Appalachian State Women’s Basketball team.
Schloss wants to extend her thanks for the financial support the Markel Specialty Diversity Scholarship has provided her to make this summer experience possible. When asked about how the scholarship has impacted her life, Schloss said: “This summer my goal was to get ahead in the classroom. Due to me losing credits from transferring, my graduation date was going to be delayed by two semesters. Through this scholarship, I can gain experience as well as class credit through my internship on campus which allowed me to graduate in the Summer of 2023. This financial support has also provided me with the means to live on campus during the summer while trying to accomplish these goals.”
Thank you, Markel Specialty, for your support of Summer!
Read more about the Diversity Scholarship sponsored by Markel Specialty here.
About the Brantley Risk & Insurance Center
The Brantley Risk & Insurance Center enhances the academic experience of business students at Appalachian State University by providing space and staff to assist with networking, job placement preparation, and contact with faculty members outside the classroom. It provides students opportunities to participate in professional designation and licensing programs and invites industry leaders to participate in classes and speak to student organizations. It also fosters research and faculty development, assists the insurance industry in the design and delivery of continuing education programs, and helps educate the public about the insurance industry. Learn more at