A Day in the Life of a Renewal Workshop held for RMI Seniors

On Friday, February 8, 2019 sixty RMI seniors and eight Industry representatives participated in the highly popular “Day in the Life of a Renewal” workshop on campus.  The workshop is structured to give students a hands on perspective of the inner workings of an insurance renewal.   Students are split into groups spending the day as either a Risk Manager, Insurance Broker, or Insurance Underwriter.  A series of five company policy renewal cases navigated through the negotiation process of the risk managers securing a broker for services and then negotiating among several insurance company underwriters for policy renewals. The day concluded with each representative team sharing their results and lessons learned from the process. 

Our thanks go to Appalachian alumni and Risk Management Consultant, Angela Matherly, who facilitated the workshop and created the company cases.  We also are grateful to the industry representatives who traveled to Boone to provide expertise to our students including:  Andrew Chapin, Kathleen Eakes (Travelers Insurance), Justin Key (AIG), Jay Cobb (The Hartford), Jay McKinstry (AIG), Paula Henry (Lockton), and Mike Murray (Palmer & Cay). This is the 8th year of hosting this unique workshop as part of our RMI programming.

 Speaker K Eakes

Workshop facilitators from Left to Right: Paula Henry, Angela Matherly, and Kathleen Eakes


Group Work

RMI Students working on their group assignment

About the Brantley Risk & Insurance Center

The Brantley Risk and Insurance Center in Appalachian State University's Walker College of Business enhances the academic experience by providing space and staff to assist risk management and insurance majors with networking, job placement preparation and contact with faculty members outside the classroom. It provides students opportunities to participate in professional designation and licensing programs, and invites industry leaders to participate in classes and speak to student organizations. It also fosters research and faculty development, assists the insurance industry in the design and delivery of continuing education programs and helps educate the public about the insurance industry. Learn more at https://insurance.appstate.edu

Appalachian's Risk Management and Insurance Program is the sixth largest in the country according to Business Insurance magazine. The college's Brantley Risk and Insurance Center, founded in 1988 with support from the Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina, supports research and faculty development, assists the insurance industry in the design and delivery of training and continuing education programs, and facilitates interaction between students, faculty and the professionals in the insurance industry. Appalachian is designated a Global Center of Insurance Excellence by the International Insurance Society. For more information about the Center, visit insurance.appstate.edu.

Published: Mar 1, 2019 9:28am
