The Carolinas Risk Insurance Management Society (RIMS) has made another $15,000 financial contribution to the Appalachian State Risk Management & Insurance (RMI) program at their recent Holiday Social in Charlotte. Present to accept the check from Appalachian were Brantley Center Managing Director David Marlett, along with Gamma Iota Sigma Rho chapter students Brandon Wilkerson, Catherine Lattimore and Harrison Cameron.
“All of us within the Appalachian RMI program and the Brantley Risk & Insurance Center are so grateful for the long-standing partnership with the Carolinas RIMS chapter,” adds Brantley Center Managing Director Dr. Marlett. “Through the RIMS Shadow Day each spring, invitations to industry events and with annual financial investments, your members make a tremendous positive impact on our AppState students and help us prepare them to become the next generation of industry leaders.”
(L – R: Carolinas RIMS Chapter President Mary Kossel, Dr. David Marlett, Carolinas RIMS Chapter Treasurer Ben Reiter and AppState students Brandon Wilkerson, Catherine Lattimore and Harrison Cameron.
While at the Holiday Social, the students met with other AppState RMI graduates and industry professionals.
(L – R: Joshua Wilburn, Dr. David Marlett, Brandon Wilkerson, Catherine Lattimore, Harrison Cameron and Bill Helmke)