The AppRISE 2020-21 team is comprised of Professor Lori Medders; seniors Katie Cole, Sean James, Baylee O'Connor, Susann Rivera, Sonu Sangani, Matthew Scott, Daniel Sexton, Sam Sigmon, and Gracie Van Osdol; junior Madison Browne; and sophomore Ariela Allen. AppRISE has made strides on several fronts during summer and fall semesters, completing two projects for Appalachian State's risk management office, continuing work on a third project for that office, and beginning three new projects. They are conducting survey research regarding the impacts of COVID-19 on small businesses in the professions (project lead: Matthew Scott); evaluating options for private flood insurance premium subsidies for high risk and low-income communities (project lead: Madison Browne); and conducting case studies of the effects of sustainable business practices on insurability (project lead: Daniel Sexton). Members Katie Cole and Sean James are also doing collaborative work with the Bowden Investment Group on company and portfolio Value at Risk.