On September 27, 2018, two Appalachian State University Risk Management & Insurance and Actuarial Science majors from the Brantley Risk and Insurance Center participated in the Inaugural RISE Career Fair at Garinger High School. RISE (Reach Invest Support Empower) is a mentoring program based out of Charlotte, North Carolina which seeks to empower students to make good life decisions and develop career aspirations in hopes of overcoming various barriers they encounter. Appalachian Gamma Iota Sigma Rho chapter members, Gilberto Ramirez and Manny Tsra joined Travelers Commercial Underwriter, Ndjo Shosola (Appalachian class of ‘12) in the Business Professional’s section where they talked to students about pursuing a career in the insurance industry. “It was valuable to be able to offer advice and motivate high school students to pursue a college degree”, said Gilberto Ramirez.
About the Brantley Risk and Insurance Center
The Brantley Risk and Insurance Center in Appalachian State University's Walker College of Business enhances the academic experience by providing space and staff to assist risk management and insurance majors with networking, job placement preparation and contact with faculty members outside the classroom. It provides students opportunities to participate in professional designation and licensing programs, and invites industry leaders to participate in classes and speak to student organizations. It also fosters research and faculty development, assists the insurance industry in the design and delivery of continuing education programs and helps educate the public about the insurance industry. Appalachian is designated a Global Center of Insurance Excellence by the International Insurance Society. Learn more at https://insurance.appstate.edu.