Thanks to our title sponsor Liberty Mutual, and more than 40 sponsor organizations, 140+ golfers and many student, alumni and friends volunteers, the 2018 App State Brantley Center - Liberty Mutual Golf Tournament held June 5 at the Country Club of Whispering Pines, was another tremendous success. The team from Johnson & Johnson won the 2018 tournament with a low score of 19 under par.
"Payments from our sponsors are still coming in and we expect to again net more than $40,000 through the 2018 golf tournament," says Brantley Center Managing Director Dr. David Marlett. "Thanks to the generous support from Liberty Mutual, our additional sponsors and industry partners, and from our Brantley Risk & Insurance Center Board members who helped make the 2018 fundraising tournament such a success in support of our AppState students." adds Marlett.
Money raised from the 2018 tournament goes to support professional development, travel opportunities and scholarship assistance for AppState Risk Management & Insurance majors through the Brantley Risk & Insurance Center.
View the 2018 golf tournament photo album here: