Thanks to title sponsor Liberty Mutual, and more than 3 dozen sponsor organizations, 150+ golfers and countless student, alumni and friends, volunteers, the 2017 App State Brantley Center - Liberty Mutual Golf Tournament was another tremendous success.
"Sponsor payments are still coming in and we expect to net $47,000 through the 2017 golf tournament," says Brantley Center Director Dr. David Marlett. "We greatly appreciate the substantial contributions from our donors and from the Brantley Center Board members to make this annual event such a success in support of our App State students," adds Dr. Marlett.
Money raised from the 2017 tournament goes to support professional development, travel opportunities and scholarship assistance for AppState Risk Management & Insurance majors through the Brantley Risk & Insurance Center.
View the complete golfer foursome photo album here:, and click on the 2017 tournament.